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Message From: Debi
November 7, 2010
After losing my 10 1/2 yr old boxer "Girlfriend" just 3 weeks ago, I find it so hard to believe that people can be so cruel to these beautiful animals. Didn't think I'd be able to think about getting another dog, but your site has helped me realize how many more Boxers there are that need to be loved.
Message From: mary
September 24, 2010
I found your site after I lost my beloved boxer, Maxine, a month ago. I miss her so very very much and look at these dogs who have had some very hard breaks and hope they will all find forever homes with someone who will love them the way we loved our Maxine. God bless you all for the work you do.
Message From: Nikki O
July 9, 2010
We recently adopted Rudy and are absolutely in love with him. He loves his new lil' brother (our 10lb Brussels Griffon) and is so amazingly gentle with him. He has only been with us a short while but we CANNOT imagine life without him. We can't wait until he is completely settled so as to be able to foster.
Message From: Tricia
July 8, 2010
I'm checking on Stryker!!!
Message From: Barbara Bittner
May 28, 2010
Keep up the great work,its a shame you dont foster out of state. Houston has some of the pretties boxers i've see. Love to my daughter that is a foster mom.
Message From: Tina
March 27, 2010
It has been a month today that I lost my precious Lexie. I miss her, God I miss her. When I see abandoned and/or abused boxers, it just makes me both mad and sad. People can be so cruel and not even realize what a gift they have in a furry friend. I wish I could have my girl back even for a little while. Volunteers and rescuers definitely have hearts of gold.
Message From: Rachel
February 27, 2010
We are so excited to be approved. Can't wait to meet our new family member!!
Message From: Teresa
January 6, 2010
The holidays have come and gone and I find myself missing my boxer Rex more than ever. We lost him last year due to illness. He was almost 12 yrs. old and a big part of our family. I am hoping once I get situated in a bigger place and can offer a safe place , I will be able to adopt one of your precious boxers. They are all beautiful to me and it breaks my heart to see how some have been abused. Be looking for me. It,s a wonderful thing you are doing.
Message From: Elizabeth
December 16, 2009
I truly feel HBR is one of the safest/most trust worthy ways to find a Boxer in the city of Houston. Thank you to all the people who make this rescue possible.
Message From: Laurie
October 5, 2009
I recently adopted a rescue from HBR and she has proven to be WONDERFUL! We all love her and couldn't imagine life without her. I just want to say THANK YOU! For everything!
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